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About the Grissom Team in Knoxville, TN

We’ve committed more than 4 decades working for our Knoxville, TN, customers, ensuring excellent service and satisfaction with everything we do. We make sure to take steps that set us apart from the competition. We provide timely service, consultations and estimates, and more! We’ve been the top choice in the industry for HVAC service providers for over three decades for a reason. Here are a few things you get when you use Grissom Heat & Air to handle your heating and air service needs.

Grissom Heat & Air Truck

Access to the highest-quality equipment

Some companies will sell you any old HVAC system or piece of equipment because the warranty rests with the manufacturer. We realize how selling substandard equipment reflects on us, which is why we make sure that the systems and units we sell to you are only made by the best brands. We sell products designed and built by industry leaders like Amana, Goodman, and Honeywell. Rest assured that all our equipment has been time-tested to ensure efficiency and long-lasting operation.

Team Member of Grissom Heat & Air

Reliable service

You might be wondering how the team at Grissom heat & Air truly separates us from the competition. Here are just a few ways:

  • Timely service: That means consultations when you need them, regular HVAC inspections, reliable HVAC maintenance when something isn’t working right, and jobs are done quickly at a high level of quality
  • Attention to detail: We use high-quality equipment right down to the copper wire and sheet metal for safety and long-lasting comfort
  • Unmatched access to information: Grissom Heat & Air has been in business for over 4 decades and has won over 50 industry awards during our time in Knoxville. Part of the reason for this is our expertise and ability to explain what we’re doing so that our customers know what they’re paying for

For more information, contact the Grissom team today!
(865) 922-9401