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Award-Winning AC Services By Grissom Heat & Air

For over 4 decades, home and business owners throughout Knoxville, TN have trusted Grissom Heat & Air for AC repair services. Our licensed and trained air conditioner technicians have the proper tools and experience to ensure your system is working at peak efficiency when you need it most. You can always expect us to provide honest and affordable service with access to high-quality replacement parts. Your home’s AC unit is critical for keeping you and your family comfortable throughout the hot and humid Tennessee summers, and we can ensure it’s working correctly. Contact our professionals today to get started with a service estimate.

AC Repair Services in Knoxville, TN

Comprehensive Air Conditioner Repair Services

Your residential or commercial AC unit has three major components. When choosing an HVAC contractor for repairs, it’s crucial they have the knowledge, tools, and experience to diagnose and repair issues with each of the system’s components. Luckily, the professionals at Grissom Heat & Air have the right parts and tools to ensure your system is working correctly. When you choose us for repairs, our team will conduct a thorough inspection of the major components, including:

  • Mechanical – Over time, the mechanical parts within your AC system will begin to break down. Deterioration causes your system to run slowly and inefficiently.
  • Electrical – Your AC’s electrical systems power it. However, faulty electrical can prevent it from turning on, create a fire hazard, or make it run less efficiently.
  • Ductwork – The ductwork is the system that delivers the air conditioning through different parts of your property. Our team will identify air loss throughout the ductwork and inspect for excessive debris buildup.

Does My AC Need Maintenance or Repair?

You can always count on Grissom Heat & Air for reliable repair services. The best, most affordable way to ensure your system is working correctly is with yearly maintenance services. However, as a homeowner, it’s essential you’re aware of the warning signs that your AC unit isn’t working at maximum efficiency.


  • Uneven Cooling – Your AC unit should provide even cooling throughout your home. If you find that one room is comfortable while the other is sweltering, it could be an issue with your ductwork.
  • Rising Energy Costs – When you’re experiencing unexpected rising energy costs, it could be that your AC system isn’t running at peak efficiency.
  • Water – Your AC unit should never be leaking water. If you find water near your AC unit, it’s an indication there is a broken part.
  • Unexpected Noises – Ignoring noises from your home’s AC system can lead to further damage and eventually AC failure. Contact a professional if you hear rattling, grinding, or screeching while your system is operating.
AC Repair Contractor in Knoxville, TN

How Much Does an AC Repair Cost?

It can be challenging to determine the cost of an AC repair service without first completing a diagnostic on the system. The cost is often determined by numerous factors, including the type of repair, labor time, the type and amount of parts that need to be replaced, and whether your system is covered by a warranty. Whatever the issue, our team has the skills and tools to identify and repair it. We follow a comprehensive system check and will provide you with a competitive and accurate repair estimate.

DIY Troubleshooting Solutions

Before you contact a professional for a residential HVAC repair service, we recommend taking a moment to try some of these at-home solutions. Sometimes we find that what homeowners consider a major problem is, in fact, something they can easily fix themselves. Following these suggestions will allow you to rule out any external issues so you can pinpoint the issue. If none of the following resolve the issue, contact us:

  • Check your home’s electrical breaker to see if it’s switched.
  • Replace the dirty air filters that could be throttling your AC.
  • Ensure all the vents throughout your home are open and clear.

Air Conditioner FAQs

As your local AC repair specialist, our team is available to answer any questions you may have about your AC unit or our services. Learn more about your home’s AC system.

  • How Long Do AC Systems Last? – How long your home’s air conditioner last is almost entirely dependent upon the amount of use and routine maintenance. Normally ACs will last anywhere between 10 to 15 years. However, with proper maintenance services, your system could last longer.
  • Do I Need an AC Repair or Replacement? – As your system gets older, the repair costs may begin to mount, making replacement a more cost-effective option. The best way to determine if you need a replacement is to have a professional look at it.
  • How Often Should I Service My AC? – We recommend having your AC unit serviced at least once a year to ensure it’s ready for each summer.

Choose Our Local AC Repair Company

If you need residential or commercial AC repair services in Knoxville, TN, choose the local professionals at Grissom Heat & Air. Our knowledgeable and highly-trained team of professional HVAC technicians can handle any type of repair service necessary for your AC. We have experience repairing a wide range of the industry’s leading brands. By offering award-winning service and reliable repairs, home and business owners choose us for all their HVAC needs, including AC repair, replacement, as well as heating services. Contact our team today to schedule your service.


Call Grissom Heat & Air at (865) 922-9401!